Large form with multiple input fields, advice on how to format it

Hi everyone, not long started using Webflow and loving it. However, I’m in need of some help.

I need to make a large freight request form, that will have at least 25 probably closer to 30 input fields. This is of course easy to do in Webflow, however i don’t want a massive form filling up a page it just doesn’t look good. So i’m looking for advice on how to format it to make it a but less unsightly.

So for I’ve thought about using click to reveal interaction to show and hide sections of the form, as one way. But I would also like to use tabs to split the sections like they have used here: WthAppTemplate. Would this be possible?

Any other suggestion for the awesome webflow community oh how to display the form?


Hi @Biffyn,
You can use tabs, you can use slider. Just don’t forget, if you want it to be ONE form - first you have to add form to the site and then, add widgets inside the form.


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