Link block with javascript link

Hi everyone, I’m trying to use javascript:loadcontent('content'); on a link block so I can perfom a loadcontent action inside a div, I’m copying from this example:
but anytime I try to paste/type it automatically adds the http:// before the javascript, am I doing something wrong?

You need a backtick. Read

Thank you so much! :smiley:

Now I’m facing this issue, when I click it, it goes to a new tab, checked and it doesn’t have the open in new tab is off.

I guess it was because the site wasn’t published? everything works now, thanks.

The backtick trick is not working when the link is a rich text child.
I need to add a opt-out link for Google Analytics, as it is described here:

And the link is inside a rich text.
What can i do?

Has there been any progress on this issue? Our cookie consent solution requires us to add a link in the footer which opens the cookie settings popup using javascript.

Sam shared the solution above.

If that approach doesn’t work for you, another approach is to just add custom code that installs a click event handler on your element and on click, executes your settings popup JS.