Link Blocks and Images

I’m confused on how the link block with an image works. I have a slider that has link blocks with logos in them. In the Webflow Designer the images look fine but when I go to preview mode or upload they’re much larger than in the designer and are getting chopped off, some link blocks are taller than the containing div. I don’t know how to get this to function correctly, not growing larger than the container or getting cut off. Below are some screenshots and my read-only link:

View from Designer

View from Preview and Browser:

Here is my site Read-Only: **Webflow - STCE 2022 **

Try giving the “slide wrapper” a set height of 300px.
“Link Block” to 100% height.
For the “Sponsor Logo” image, set 100% height and Fit - Contain.
(Remember to change the height settings for mobile view)

Thanks! That worked for desktop view. I don’t follow what you mean by changing the height settings for mobile view. Which height settings?