Link blocks not appearing in Microsoft Edge

I have redesigned my Webflow site and added l a set of 6 link blocks. All 6 reliably appear in Chrome on multiple computers.

With Microsoft Edge, all 6 appear on one computer while only 3 appear on another computer. Both computers are running the same level of Windows 10 Professional and Edge and are connected to the same network.

Any ideas as to why this may occur with Edge? Any suggestions on hoe the behavior may be corrected?

The site is

The read-only link is Webflow -


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Those would be what? The social links?

Yes …the social links…

Thanks… Tim

Yeah, all 6 work fine on my side, just tested

Edge: Win Pro Current

You are loading jQuery two times on this project but it looks like you are trying for three. All the hosted resources you referenced in the head are not loading. You can’t use that for hosting includes from what I can tell. Webflow loads one before the body close, then you added another after that. Something to consider since there are console errors.

I created a quick codepen you should test against with both browser / machines.

It is only loading Webflow base JS and your CSS. Test that and see.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for calling my attention to the use of sabercat host and jQuery. I thought I had deleted all that code.

Thanks also for codepen link. I regret to say that the codepen sample demonstrates the same behavior as my webflow site on both Chrome and Edge.

I was intrigued by Alex’s test that showed normal behavior on his system. That suggests to me there is something about the software configuration of my computer using Edge.

What do you think?


The screenshot in my earlier post was from one of my current windows builds. It showed no issue on edge or chrome.

Just find some windows machine that you can test the site on to see if it is indeed something on your end. Electronics store with test laptops may be of use if no suitable pc is nearby.