Link to current Collection Page is not working

Hey there,

I´ve got a link inside of a collection list. The link settings are set to: page: current page.
But unfortunately it doesn´t work…
If I try to click on the link in preview mode or on the publish site, the link opens a number-string to 404: e.g. :
But it should open the current Collection Item e.g.:

Does anyone know what´s going on?

Page: Gewerbeliste
Link: “Mehr Infos”

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi Nilson,

It appears that it is just a connection bug. Its reading your phone number. Try disconnecting the binding and then reconnect it. When I did this sequence it worked for me.

Please let me know if you have any other questions,

~ Happy Designing ~

Thank you Brandon, it worked.
Funny bug,- it reads the phone number :smiley: