Liquid Animation UI

Happy 2020 to everyone!

I will like to know if it’s possible to achieve an animation UI like this on webflow.

Thanks for your time and support.
One love

Hello @Rasheed,

Welcome to the community. Happy New Year. You can totally do something similar to your examples in webflow with interactions and maybe with some lottie animations. To imitate the features exactly like the examples you shared you have to use some custom code, maybe GSAP and WebGL, or a combination of both and some built in webflow interactions. I hope this helps.


Pablo amigo, thanks for the quick reply :raised_hands:t3:
My goals for this year is to go full mode with Webflow, I am going to check all this info now, thank you very much.
Since I see that you have a lot of knowledge :man_student:t3: I was searching for Topics related to mimic Typeform style but haven’t found much… Is there a way to create something similar on WF.

Thanks for your time and support.
One love

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Hello @Rasheed,

Do you mean Typeform style forms? if that is what you want you can embed the forms you create on Typeform in webflow Typeform Integration | Webflow University. Best of luck.

Hey Pablo! Sorry I didn’t explain myself correctly. I was wondering if its possible to design something like Typeform but without using their platform.
For sure its possible to create the same UI, but will it be able to have the “logic” system?

No, building something along those lines is not trivial. There is a reason Typeform has a product that people pay for. I do.

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Totally get it. Thanks again to everyone.