Looking for experienced developer to help me convert Webflow to Wordpress

Hi everyone, I finished a Webflow site for my client. Now they need it to convert to Wordpress. I used Udesly to convert the statics pages into a Wordpress theme, but I am having trouble to convert the CMS part.

So I am thinking to find a developer to help me. Here is the read only link to the project. https://preview.webflow.com/preview/kingge?utm_source=kingge&preview=36d18edda6e5607bdb7ce65b0ac3e520
The website is fairly simple, couple statics pages and a CMS for blogs and products.

You can also check the live site https://kingge.webflow.io.

One note, my budget is kind tight. If you are interested, feel free to DM me or email me at ryanqyao@gmail.com.
