Loop interactions break easily

I created looping interactions so that blocks of text would move side to side, fade out and then the next text block would appear.

Everything works great. It’s perfect… until you switch tabs.

If I switch tabs for a few seconds and return to the web page the timing is broken and so the interactions are broken.

I became comfortable using the old interactions (legacy) earlier today and when I encountered this problem I was annoyed. Then I noticed interactions 2.0 was released and after learning how to use the new interaction system I ended up encountering the same issue of broken interactions when I switch tabs.

A lot of time spent on creating interactions. It was great practice. I wish looping interactions would not break so easily… I hate that. I was so excited to start creating unique loops.

Big fan of interactions 2.0 nonetheless.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)