Lottie Animation bug


I’ve been struggling over the last few days with uploading and getting a lottie animation to work on a project I’m designing.
The Lottie size was 6.4MB, and when I try to upload it, the upload looks like this (img1)

it remains like this for a minute, and then the whole thing disappears from the assets. Only when I refresh the page, it show up in the assets but with no thumbnail like this (img2)

and when I check the info of the file, it shows the correct size, but when I click to open in an external page, it shows this (img3)

I can’t drag it into the designer or use it in any way possible.
Knowing that this is not my first time to use lotties, and on my website, I have a lottie animation with a file size of 17MB, and everything is working fine with it!
Is anyone facing a similar problem and managed to find a fix for that?

Can you post preview link and io link of your custom error page so we can better understand why this is happening and potentially come up with a reoslution.

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