Lottie Animation Only Showing Thumbnail

I’m working on a website redesign for the agency I’m at, and I’m testing out features I want to add later on in certain pages. Right now I’m working on having a section with a Lottie animation where as you scroll, the background (Lottie) of the section flashes a different frame from a video project we’ve worked on for every small percentage of window scroll down the page. My boss described his idea as this music video, where when you scroll the frames update, etc.

I’ve exported two different Lottie animations, following along with the full walkthrough Webflow University video, but for some reason I’m getting a still image of what looks like the thumbnail for a Lottie file icon where the animation should be in the section?

Any help on this would be fantastic, I played around with Lottie animations a little when it first launched, but I guess I’m doing something different now that’s causing an error.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)