Making tab menu close when clicked / or (other possible workaround): Simultaneous click-interactions

Hi y’all,

I would like to create a tab menu that displays the tabs content directly underneath its corresponding tab. It seems that’s currently not possible (or I haven’t figured out how to yet -please help).

As a workaround I’ve created 3 different tab menus to create the look I want. The problem now is, the menu content’s remain open after being clicked. So, in order to replicate the open/close tab functionality I added some animation to the menus. This has helped. Only thing is, whatever other menu is open, only closes after I click a second time. It seems the menu can only recognize one click function at a time.

Does anybody have any suggestions on how else I could go about this? Hope I am clear enough. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Desired Tab Menus View Tab Menus

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey @eycs :wave:t2:

I would love to know if you found a solution for this issue. I did find the code and created another one by myself by using Class Adder and jQuery Builder, but, unfortunately, it’s quite buggy.