Menu Icon appears on desktop but not tablet and mobile

I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but when I use the Menu icon slider moving it over to desktop and below sets it to the hamburger icon. Yet for tablet and mobile, it does the opposite of what I want it to do (ie., shows the entire navigation). Is there a way to fix this or is it some kind of bug?

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Here’s the link to my site.

If you click on the hamburger button and then go to the Icon Settings you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Here’s a closer look at what I’m talking about. The icon appears on the desktop version, but opens on the tablet down. Shouldn’t it be the reverse?

Your menu behaves OK, but you need to NOT specify a fixe width of 1200 px for the navbar and remove the 148px lft margin too. Set the width to 100% and adjust padding left for each device.

Thank you! Makes perfect sense. I got it working now.


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