Missing sections/Navbar on publish

Hi All,

I am not sure what I have done but I am having problems with items not showing on the published/exported site. Its like more or less the top half of most pages are missing and 2 pages don’t have any content at all (School & contact-2).

I thought maybe I had set something to hidden but I think it must be something else as I see the sections in the designer/preview so now at a loss.

Any ideas what it might be? :frowning:

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/total-spanish-uno-new?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=total-spanish-uno-new&preview=afc061188e13a89b6f2fd20a1b05734b&pageId=5c35f2e64a83a46bf0fbcc90&mode=preview


Hi - welcome back :slight_smile:
Can you pleas attach the published link so we can dig inside the source

Thanks, here you go…

https://total-spanish-uno-new.webflow.io/ (Missing NavBar + 3/4 sections
https://total-spanish-uno-new.webflow.io/school (Completely blank)