Mobile IOS First Click Animation

I’ve seen this problem spoken about many times before, but it seems to be back/never fixed.

The hamburger menu animates to a cross when the menu is open, however on IOS it doesn’t animated on first click. It requires ‘two taps’ to animate. Tested on iPhone 11 Safari IOS 13.2.3.

Testing on Android it works fine.

Work in progress here:

Any help greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Can any Webflow reps help?

It’s not making us look good to our clients, I really like Webflow but don’t want the powers above me to say small tweaks are taking too long :slightly_frowning_face:

Hey @radicalrooster

Right now the interaction is being triggered by a tap/click on the nav button animated. Instead, try moving the interaction to navbar mobile and using the navbar opens trigger. This change is working for me. Please verify on your end.

Hope that helps and happy designing!

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EDIT: It works!!! I forgot to change the trigger initially, but that’s solved it!

Thank you sir!

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My pleasure! Glad to help.

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Me again with the same, but different, issue!

This site this time:

On mobile, if you click the ‘refine’ dropdown, it opens fine.

But if you click ‘See Results’ or the ‘cross’ to close the dropdown, the next time you go to open the ‘Refine’ dropdown, it takes two taps.

I’m using some code I found on the Webflow forum to close the dropdown (and I believe it’s this causing the issue):

$(".w-dropdown-list a").click(function(){

I’m properly stuck on this one, so any help greatly appreciated!

Project here:

I’ve solved it… By not using a dropdown.

Shame we have to find work arounds due to bugs/limitations, but it’s working nether the less.

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