Mobile Portrait fixed header (auto viewpoint size) - title parent hidden

Hi Guys

Looking for some advice if possible… In mobile portrait view I have created a fixed header with size set to 100% to enable the VW font size to function and everything resizes correctly. Now my heading section is disappearing behind the fixed header, I know the usual way is set padding on the body to push the heading into view but with having the fixed header (Top Header) as auto size this then covers the heading if made larger. How do I get (Container 3) which contains the heading to automatically sit below (Top Header) however it sizes…

I hope that makes sense, if you drag the design in design view youll see what I mean…

Regards John

Here is my public share link: [LINK](
(how to access public share link)

Yes I see… I would do a few things: Using the Navigator instead of clicking the Designer.

  1. On remove the top margin completely
  2. On remove height, remove the fixed position
  3. Now things move all the way up
  4. Go to each Screen setting and make sure to remove the same
  5. On <Container 3> add bottom margin 15px

That will fix it for responsiveness… not much else that I can see. Also, keep in mind you will always have to move to each screen and make minor tweaks as you go down to mobile. Try to refrain from widths and heights… the best practice is to use your content to dictate div sizes… Then use inner padding to expand a section, div, etc. You’re getting a true indication of adjustment.

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