Mouse Pointer doesn´t show up

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Can you take a screen shot of what you are speaking about so I can better help you.

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Erm… your links are images though? If you mean your main nav which is just an svg :open_mouth:

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Hi @Tomas_Statter,

It is often helpful to first try the following steps:

(1) Try to reproduce the error while being logged into Webflow using Incognito mode with browser extensions turned off.

(2) If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of your Browser Error Console and send that to me.

(3) It may be helpful to disable the browser cache so that updated files are always downloaded instead of pulling old content from browser cache.

If the issue persists, can you help to Share a project’s read-only link to your project?