Mouseover interaction bug

Hi there, I’m working on my first project, and I encountered a small issue.
I made a mouse over animation on photo div2, and everything seems to be working fine within the designer (when in preview mode). However, when I click on toggle preview, the animation is not showing in the browser as if it doesn’t exist.

I’ve been bothering for hours now, and I can’t find a solution :confused:

Thanks in advance! <3

Here is my site Read-Only:

Hi @manki32

Thanks so much for posting about this.

It looks like you have a couple other interactions that may be causing the image not to show up on page load:

Legacy interaction:

Page scroll interaction:

On that second image specifically the image is set to 0% opacity and doesn’t appear until you scroll to the very bottom of the section. Once I deleted the legacy interaction and moved up the scroll action % I was able to see the image:

Hope this helps get you started in the right direction :slight_smile:

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