My Navbar vibrates/shakes with mouse over

On two pages of my website pages the Navbar vibrates and shakes when I do a mouse over or try to click on one of the Navlinks. It only happens on two of the pages all other pages work fine.

Thanks for any suggestions!


Hi @fordsvilleweb

Could you provide a read-only link so that we can take a look at your project?
Here is how:

Thanks :slightly_smiling:

Thank you DharmaNode,

Here is the link the pages that I have having problems with are the “Program” page and “Room 4” but after looking thinks over again I found that the “Contact” page had issues when I moved my mouse towards the end.

Thank you for your help,

Please disregard. I gave up…and purchased a template. I have so much to learn and so little time…:sweat:

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Sorry that i couldn’t respond quick. It was late. And yep, you can learn a lot from a template :slightly_smiling:

@fordsvilleweb That’s a great way to get started.

Thank you, Yes the templates are Fantastic. I definitely am not ready for the lone journey… and it was getting late and I appreciate the kind words! :smiley:

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