Nav Layout changes in safari


I designed this website, and it is live. In chrome, the nav looks normal, with the nav buttons next to the “home” button. But in safari the nave buttons drop below the home button. here’s screenshots.



Here is the link.

Thanks for the help!

Can you please post your Read-Only Link?

I see the issue but want to make sure I point you in the right direction on your site.

Hi @chris111384,

Different browsers can render CSS differently and there are know issues with Safari and IOS devices.

A good practice is to apply fixes using Safari, so I’d suggest logging into Webflow with Safari, and apply any changes or corrections to the layout as needed.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Here is my read only link.

Sorry first time posting!

@chris111384 No worries, If you change the float from none to left on the nav menu, this should fix your issue.

Thanks so much! That did it!

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