Need some javascript magic

Hi guys,

on my donation website I placed a ticker under the main navi, displaying the latest donations. The problem is, that the data I get, deliver the amount in cent instead of EURO. So if somebody donate 2 EURO the shown amount is 200. Is it possible to place a comma before the last two digits? I guess, that there exists some js magic to do this with every amount within that div, right? It would be a great help, if a js expert could solve this problem … i will pay a small fee via paypal.

Thank you!

Paste in Page Footer Code.

$('.amount').text(function(i,t) {
  return (parseFloat(t)/100).toFixed(2);

Also, feel free to contact me for further code help and/or customization of third-party plugins

@samliew you are the best, thank you! Do you have an idea why the script places a dot instead of a comma? In Germany we write it this way: 2,00

I’ve found an hint and changed the code tho this:

  $('.amount').text(function(i,t) {
    return (parseFloat(t)/100).toFixed(2).replace(".", ",");

It works but is it correct?

Comma or period will depends on the users’ browser settings