Opening page in middle of page, not at the top!

When I open the site it doesn’t open at the top, but in the middle of the page. Same when clicking the second page.
How to fix this??

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Turn off “Autofocus” on form elements. That what is causing this.

Brilliant!! Works like a charm!! But this also means the “autofocus” feature is pretty useless. Webflow can you fix this in the near future??
Thanks a lot, Jeff, for your quick and accurate reply!

I would not call it useless. If I want to send someone to a form page and take them to the first input field automatically this is what it does. It is part of the HTML spec and why it is available.

Got it, I misinterpreted the use, then.

