Page interaction - reveal section with scroll


I am looking to replicate a similar effect on this page: NEW TENDENCY - About
Where at the bottom of the page, the content (the grey footer with newsletter signup) is revealed while scrolling.

I am wondering if someone can explain the steps or lead me to a tutorial or a cloneable project.

Thank you,

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Try this guide on webflow university

Hey @philippf You need to play with the positions. The footer needs to be fixed at the bottom.

Can you share your read-only link so I can show you?

Piter :webflow_heart:

@PeterDimitrov thanks for the help.

I was able to make this work for the header, but I would like to do it for the footer section too (fixed element would be: newsletter signup and the footer section with logo/email/social media links).

Read only:

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Here’s a screen record >

Feel free to reach out if you have some questions :webflow_heart:

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@PeterDimitrov This is amazing. Exactly what I wanted. I downloaded the video. Thank you for putting in your free time and helping!

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No problem! Happy to help :webflow_heart:

@PeterDimitrov I have made all the modifications and it seems to be working perfectly on Chrome. But on Safari it is not showing the footer section (it’s not pulling up all the way). I have the latest version of Safari installed (12.0.3). Do you know what might be causing this?

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@PeterDimitrov I was also testing it on mobile both on Safari and Chrome and it doesn’t seem to show.

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Hmm strange…Can you try the following >

Not sure what’s the problem

Piter :webflow_heart:

Hey @PeterDimitrov, Is the loom video still available, I can’t find any tutorials regarding these effect. Thank you!