Page Load Interaction not working in Safari or Explorer

Hi @Port_of_Folio, integrations like that can be tricky, but I can help to share at least a couple of observations on differences between the drupal site and the site.

  1. The site is loading the jQuery and website js at the end of the body element, after the initial page elements have finished loading.

On the Drupal site, the jQuery is being run from the head of the site, I would recommend to run those before the Body if possible.

It might be those elements may not exist yet if the Webflow.js init code is running before those elements with interactions are created on the page. It is one thing to check.

  1. The version of jQuery used is 2.2.0 on the exported drupal site, the site is using jQuery 3.3.1. Take a peek here: Webflow sites will be published using jQuery version 3.3.1 starting in March 2018

I hope this gives you a direction to look in. Webflow does not typically provide support for custom integrations, but always happy to take a look here in the code help pages.