just launched providing design inspiration

Here’s what the site’s creator says:

Hi there, I’m @tchret, internet maker.

I’m super-happy to launch today, a place for the best web pages. My mission is to help designers, coders and marketeers to create better pages.

Pages is featured on Product Hunt Today, if you still enjoy the concept, feel free to join the dicussion :cat:

I wish you a wonderful day!

  • tchret

It’s a good looking site itself but is also full of inspiration. You can even save your favorites and submit new pages. I submitted the new Webflow Ecommerce page. Head over and give it a like. :wink::webflow_heart:

I also saw Podia on there which I recently saw is a Webflow build. Do you see any other Webflow sites? Let’s submit all of the good looking Webflow built sites and show the internet where it’s at!