Pagination and Tabs Switching Issue

Yes, as I previously noted, there’s still 1 issue left to fix… but my mentor provided a resolution:

In this code below, you would apply an ID on each collection wrapper and then add it on here with # in the front:

var containerSelectors = ['#stuffed', '#wooden', '#soft', '#hard'];

This allows the refresh to happen on just that container.

All thanks to my mentor!

<!-- Start seamless-pagination custom code -->

<script src="[]("></script>
var containerSelectors = ['#stuffed', '#wooden', '#soft', '#hard'];

containerSelectors.forEach(function(id) {
id + ' ' + '.w-pagination-wrapper a',
container: id,
fragment: id,
scrollTo: false,
timeout: 2500,
push: false

// These 3 lines should reinitialize interactions
$(document).on('pjax:end', function() {

<!-- End seamless-pagination custom code -->
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