Parallax Scroll Jump

Hi Webflow,

I am trying to produce a parallax effect using the Scroll In View interaction.

However, i am find the image jumps which obviously shouldn’t be happening. Any ideas why this is? Is it a bug or something I am doing wrong?

The site is here:

It’s the first image in view. Share link below.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

I managed to work it out.

When I duplicated an element which contained the parallax scroll trigger element, I essentially gave the part that moved two starting points - hence the jumping.

Fixed now.


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I’m having the same issue, where I duplicated an element and now there’s weird jumping on the parallax effect. How did you go about fixing it? Did you have rename each class?

Having same issue. I would like to know how you fix it too. Would you tell us how you solve this issue?