Parallax scrolling website

Is there Webflow tutorial on how to create a parallax scrolling website, like this one FPV Freestyle and Drone Racing Shop - Rotor Riot Store

Hi @Ade_Adegoke1 Welcome to the community! :smiley:

this article may help: Parallax movement on scroll | Webflow University

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@PixelGeek I am very frustrated, the tutorial you have give does not work for me. I have followed it very closely. However it does not work.

The div (“Weekly Video”) I select for the Parallax Effect , I set the div at bottom of the screen, however when I preview the website it is begins in the middle. I do not know how to solve this. my email address is and the project I am working on is KING QUAD.

Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong, please?

Thank you.