Personal Plan and clientes


I have a Personal Plan and some clients who I´d like to host with you. What is the best way to do it? By now I have to pay 4.99$/month/site but I have to use my billing account and pay every month…

Is there another way to do it or are you planning to change this? I´m not going to change to a Pro plan by now,


I reply myself. Would be nice if we could host in Amazon directly from our Webflow account withouth any plan, just hosting. A normal hosting account for our clients. I think the most of the clients don´t understand why they have to pay a webflow plan when this is a tool for developers.

You can export the code from the webflow site you designed and host the website wherever you’d like,

EDIT: Check this out

I know… It’s what I usually do it. But it’s very good to publish directly from Webflow and host in the wonderfull Amazon servers.

Then use Amazon to host the exported site.