Pinterest tiles google map

I tried to include a “share on Pinterest” button on my page test page:
(Pinterest" button on the left side just below the top slider)

I used the code provided by Pinterest. I guess the idea is to be able to see all images on the page and choose which to share. Problem being that it also tiles the google map into many small tiles. I am not that interested in having the map shared, but at least if it needs to be that, it would make sense only to be present only once. Anyone knowing how to exclude the map, or at least preventing it from tiling?

Bonus question: How to include back ground images in the share list?

Hi @MS_LiDAR, could yo uplease share the read-only link to the site, so that we can see how the styling is setup? Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Thanks in advance!

Hi Dave,

Here you go:

Re Mikael

Any news on this issue - Anyone ?