Please help me figure why section looks fine in designer but not on device

Hi, thanks for reading this

This section Screenshot - 0a56ef3451e7dda927bba993fd3d2f28 - Gyazo looks good in the designer

but when I load the page on my laptop or phone it looks off

Could you also tell me how to make sure this Screenshot - 38fec59638a04e68d9c124c32dbcc8aa - Gyazo loads before scrolling?
Right now it’s invisible to the user until they start scrolling and I dont want that.

Here is my public share link:
(how to access public share link)

Hi there.

I saw a couple things. Take a look at this screen capture (sorry for the background noise).

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Hey man, I really appreciate you going out of your way and helping me out. You literally saved me.

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Thats what we are here to do! Help each other.