Please help with Nav Interaction

I feel like I have followed the tutorial correctly yet can not see where I am failing.


The page I am working on is Sports/Lakepoint. Interaction with Sports Nav and Sports Interaction 1 (1st panel).


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Hey @jtk

Your question is kindva missing a question. What is it that you need your navbar to do? Where do you want it to fade in/out?..etc

I want the nav bar to fade in once the first section goes out of the frame. Same thing as the tutorial. I tried all the steps and apparently I am missing something.

When I did that tutorial, what I missed was setting the scroll trigger to the element on the page, not the navbar itself.

Oh, that’s unfortunate, I failed likewise when I tried to create micro animations in a design. :confused: Must have done something wrong.

After giving up the 1st time, I am back to try and finally become friends with interactions. I was successful with bringing in titles via scrolling so I tried with the nav bar again. Still not working. It must be one small thing I am not doing but I simply can not figure out what it is.

I have my section “Sport Section 1” as the hero that I want to affect the Sports Nav. The Sports Nav is initially set to Display None. Then I am telling the Sports Section 1 to hide the Sports Nav while it is in view and to show it when the Sport Section 1 is out of view. I plan on doing a variation of that to the Top Nav. It seems fairly simple in theory; just missing something.

Would someone please look at it?
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