Portfolio Image Spacing - Design vs. Preview Mode

Hi! I am having some trouble with the way my portfolio displays in the design mode vs. preview mode on my home page. I am using the template “simple.”

When I’m in design mode, the portfolio images are displaying the way that I would like them to - expanding across the entire width of the page and right next to each other (without any space in between images). When in preview mode, there is a white space added between each image and the images do not extend the entire width of the page.

Screen shots attached with differences. I would like the portfolio to look the way it is in the design mode.

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

Here is my public share link: Webflow - Furball Pet Portraits
(how to access public share link)

Hey, I just scoped out your site and wasn’t able to see the same issue in preview mode on my end. The images have no space between them for me.

But I did notice the dog images don’t have a class associated with them. Maybe it’d help to give them a class and assign 100% width to them? Might be worth testing.

Looks fine for me in both designer and Preview mode.

What browser and version are you using?

What operating system and version are you using?