Positioning sections overlap problem

I’m trying to add another section with text under a two column section, but for some reason it overlaps my columns section.

It’s not clear from the tutorials how to deal with this. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Select your body tag and you will be able to add more sections

Hi - welcome aboard :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Can you attach A sketch of what you are trying to achieve?

Hello @designor,

You have to place the Rich Text Block inside the column.

I hope this helps.

The content should be structured like this:

column | column

text section

Right now the text section displays as an overlay over the columns, but it’s supposed to show up after the columns to extend the vertical page length.

I got it now @designor,

Here is the set up that you need for that
and the text should be position static
I hope this helps.

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Thanks, that solved the issue!

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