Problem with new CSS Grid

I was converting the start page of one of my sites using the new grid. My studion did crash about 3 times during the rebuild and my studio was very SLOW.

Don’t know how to make it happen again but feels strange. The studio did have some problöem loading some external stuff, did not se what it was.

Someone else with similair problems?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @JanneWassberg

I’m not seeing any behavior like this on my end with the projects I’m testing with.

If you are seeing other behavior on your end, can you send me a screen recording of what you see (CloudApp or Quicktime work well).

Can you also please share your Read-Only link :slight_smile:

Hi @Brando.

here is my share link Webflow - Excellent Skin & Hair

Here is the live lin k

It happen when i was playing around with the grid. Create a 5* 3 grid. Created the Link Wrapper class.
When i was copying the class and did drag it to the position in the grid it took realy long time to paste and copy. About 3 times when i was draging the object in it’s place in the grid the studio hanged/stop working sayong the page can not be found.

I did se somthong loading in the left botom corner. Thats all i know.

If something happends again i will try to record it.


Hi @JanneWassberg

Thanks for sharing that link and the steps you took — I made a quick screen recording while I was trying to reproduce the behavior but was unsuccessful in seeing this error.

Was I taking the correct steps?

It’s possible that browser cache or browser extensions could be causing an issue here. To test for this, can you please try the following:

Lastly, could you also please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page? There should be a small share link when you visit the page which you can send to me.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @Brando here is the link to my browser

I have not seen the problem any more. will keep you informed id the problem comes back

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