Problem with Nivo-lightbox plugin

Hey guys! I wondering if someone out there is able to help me with a problem regarding my lightbox i want to use for my site. I have set it up and its working good in webflow but almost too good! The problem is that it is working on all my links! Is there anyone that know what i can do about it?

Here is the link for the plugin

I appriectate your help! :smiley:


As you can see at the code:


it is triggered every time you click a link $('a'). If you want it to appear only when proper button is clicked you have to go to this link/button settings panel on Webflow, assign a unique id

and in your script change this $('a') to this $('#your-unique-id').

Best, Bartosz

thanks Bartoz, it helped me with my problem :slight_smile: Thank you very much!

I haven’t tried this but it should be possible to use this to open any gallery starting with “SharksGallery” by using a starts with selector, right?