Problem with ssl enabling

Hi @Naama, sorry to hear about the trouble with the custom domain.

First, you were correct to disable the proxy on Cloudflare side, that will cause the unlinking. The orange cloud should be clicked and disabled in the Grey state using the DNS only option.

Next, there are two ways to setup SSL for a domain.

Using WWW as the Default Domain

  1. Point the A Records at the IP addresses found on the SSL instruction page
  2. Point the www domain via CNAME record to
  3. Set the www domain as the default domain
  4. Republish

Using the Root Domain as the Default Domain, and with SSL Enabled

  1. Point the Root domain via CNAME record to
  2. Point the www domain via CNAME record to
  3. Set the root domain as the default domain
  4. Republish

I hope this helps, if not, send an email to and I will be happy to take a look further.