Product Description in E-Com Template

My E-Commerce template won’t allow my product copy to appear with any line breaks only in one paragraph. How do I fix this?

Thank you,


Hi @Karolina,

Product description by default are plain text fields or rather they can be connected by way of a text block or paragraph element. To increase line spacing you would check the height of font line height of the paragraph element itself. Video Reference (Set a default line height | Webflow University)

Happy Designing,

Hi Brandon,

I know how to setup the text block but when its inside the CMS management system for my e-commerce product descriptions I have no options at all. You just drop the text inside and it automatically just forms a paragraph. None of my line breaks appear.

How do I fix this?

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Can you show me where on your site this issue is happening?

I couldnt find it in my first walk through.

Hi Brandon,

Can you please help me with updating my POP-UP window for Black Friday for my e-com?
I looked but can’t figure out how…

I have a similar question - is there a way to enable rich text formatting for the product description section in the e-commerce template? Currently its not allowing me to separate the content into different lines as its not respecting line breaks. I would also like to style the text in the description field - bold, italics, etc. How can I do this?

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Hi @adel

The default Description for Ecommerce products is a simple multi-line text field, but you can add a custom Rich Text field to the Products collection and use it provide a more detailed description of your products.

Please let me know if you have additional questions!


Thanks for the tip Maciej. I added the Rich Text field to the Products template. How do I connect it to the description field. The inner text settings dropdown is not allowing me to connect to the description field.

Hi @adel

default Description field that comes with Products is a plain text field, so it won’t work with the Rich Text Block on the canvas. What i meant is that you could add a custom field of type Rich text to your Products, and then you’ll be able to connect it in the menu you’ve shared above.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Please let me know if you have additional questions!

Hi @maciejjasinski I am having the same issue on a site im building. After creating a custom field with a rich text box i am unable to link the paragraph to it on the product template page.

Hey @Daniel_ortiz :wave:,

Could you share your read only link? The read only link will give us access to your webflow designer so we can see your settings and such without making changes on your end.

Let me know if you have any questions!

@Andrew_Bass here is the link.

Hey @Daniel_ortiz :wave:

Here’s a gif of adding a “Rich Text Block” and binding it to your custom field “Rich Text Description”. (Hopefully that’s big enough to see!).



  1. Go to your product page and select the container div you’d like the Rich Text Element to be in.
  2. Go to the elements and add a Rich Text element.
  3. Bind your custom field “Rich Text Block” to your rich text element via the popup dialogue. (You can also access the rich text settings by selecting the Rich text block in the navigator and then going to the gear icon on the right).

Let me know if you still have questions!

Its crazy that this doesnt exist. Why would Product CMS lists be treated differently when it comes to rich text?