Quick effect initial state is not affected by interaction viewport triggers

Hi @bonidom, at the moment you will need to create two separate elements, one for Desktop, Tablet and mobile landscape view, and one element for the mobile portrait view.

The issue is that the Quick Effect animation has an initial style of Display None on page load, and since there is no corresponding trigger on mobile portrait, the element is never made visible. (@domin8tor was right on in his initial answer on this topic)

The temporary solution is to create a duplicate element (@

I made a quick video on the workaround for this:


I have reached out to the dev team to take a look at this, as soon as there is an update, I will post an update.

I hope this helps.

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I know this technique with two objects, it does not suit me!
Now I realized that webflow can not do this.

Hi @bonidom, as I mentioned, I have raised this with the dev team, as soon as there is an update I will let you know.

At the moment the workaround is to use the duplicated element, or disable the interaction on the element all together until the behavior on that is updated.

Thank you for your help. I’ll wait for the update

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