ROLE values not valid and ARIA attribute mismatch in Slider element

I couldn’t believe I was the only person having this issue. Glad to see it wasn’t me messing things up.

I thought of doing this as well but, as you explained, we don’t have access to the dot elements themselves, therefore can’t think of a way to edit their properties without more complex custom code.

role and aria attributes serve to indicate screen readers what the actual content on the screen is. For example, an role="button" with an aria-label="show slide 2" and aria-pressed="false" will let a blind person know that such element is a button that, if selected, will show the slide 2. Changing aria aria-pressed="false" to aria-pressed="true" would let the blind person that he has currently pressed the button, therefore he is displaying slide 2.

I am not a web developer and this is actually my first website, so anything that I say could be wrong. However, I thing I can answer both of you and say that, based on the research I did, google ignores incorrect or mismatched role and aria attributes. Therefore, having them set incorrectly will affect Lighthouse results negatively, but the actual accessibility functionality would remain the same because google was ignoring them anyway.

At about the same time I noticed this error, I also found this post where @forresto said they have been making changes to Slider in the past week, in order to improve accessibility, which makes me suspect it is where all this came from.

Hope to here from some member of the Webflow Staff soon.