Search engine / Marketplace MVP with webflow and algolia

Thanks Diarmuid.

I personally learned JavaScript and react from a couple of courses from Brad Traversy on udemy. I also had a teamtreehouse subscription and whenever I would get stuck at a topic on udemy , I’d switch to treehouse and then back again. Treehouse is great for conceptually explaining things , whilst the udemy courses were better to build real projects.

Back end stuff was mostly google and YouTube.

We use AWS for everything except database (which are mongo) and search (which is algolia). Other than that it’s all running in AWS lambdas. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

Thanks for the info Adrian - you’re very generous with your time and knowledge.

I’m doing a Brad Traversy javascript course at the moment and I’m thinking about doing a REACT and serverless course next.


You’re welcome Diarmuid. Best of luck with your learning!