Sections wont connect below each other

Hi there!
I am designing an onepager for a school assignment, but i am experiecing some problems with adding a section below another section. I have a hero section and would like to add a new section below it so that i can add more information. But everytime I add a new section is lays on top of the first section and I can’t seem to figure out how to move it below the first one.

If anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong, that would be amazing! :slight_smile:

Here is my site Read-Only:

Hi Elise,

your first section’s position is set to “relative”, which is the reason the next section with “static” as position will be put underneath.

relative position

To solve this, you can set the first section to “static” position or set both to ‘relative’, although that would probably complicate things further.

You can read about positioning of elements here.

Hope this helped!


Hey, thank you for your answer! Unfortunately neither of the options seem to help. The section still won’t position underneath the first section. I have read the link you gave, but i can’t seem to find the answer there either. The internet isn’t any help aswell. :confused:

If there is an other possible sollution I would love to hear it!

Hi @EliseT1234,

I’m sorry, I misread your question. I thought your goal would be to have the sections below each other.

In this case, set both sections to “relative” positioning and choose the Z-Index values accordingly. A Z-Index of 0 will be displayed below a layer with 1, for example.

Also, depending on your exact goal, you could use div-blocks inside of a single section to display content on top of each other, also controlled with relative positioning.