Send my Forms information via my server!

Can anyone help me with this. I want the form information to be send via an action through my server.
I start using Webflow to build my pages and it helps me make nice pages…
After this I’ll go deeper in the designs of the web pages.

Take a look at:

…and this site, which I’m working on:

The page that has the form is:

They were build completely with Webflow.
I tried something with MailChimp, but the mail was not forwarded to the mail I needed it to.
Is there a way to do this…!

Or a way with POP3, IMAP. PHP.
There has to be a way!!!


I did the following and it works, but still have the problem of leaving the page, which the form is on!
I discussed this once with Will and Dave.
If this could stay on the same page and confirming the send Form would be really great!!!
Don’t know how the create a code to use on the same page!
I’ll explain what I did below and see if someone can help me with this…

Original WebFlow form code:

      <div class="form w-form">
        <form data-name="Form - www sokudi org" id="" name="">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="nomber">Nòmber kompletu:</label>
          <input autofocus class="form-fields w-input" data-name="Nomber" id="nomber" maxlength="256" name="Nomber" placeholder="Yena nòmber aki" required type="text">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="email">Email Adrès:</label>
          <input autofocus class="form-fields w-input" data-name="Email" id="email" maxlength="256" name="email" placeholder="Yena email aki" required type="email">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="telefon">Telefòn:</label>
          <input autofocus class="form-fields w-input" data-name="Telefon" id="telefon" maxlength="256" name="Telefon" placeholder="Yena number di telefòn aki" required type="text">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="mensahe">Mensahe:</label>
          <textarea autofocus class="form-fields size w-input" data-name="Mensahe" id="mensahe" maxlength="5000" name="Mensahe" placeholder="Yena mensahe aki" required></textarea>
          <input class="submit-button w-button" data-wait="Por fabor warda un ratu..." type="submit" value="Manda" wait="Por fabor warda un ratu...">
        <div class="form---danki w-form-done">
          <div class="bodytext form-centered">Danki! Bo mensahe a wòrdu risibí!</div>
        <div class="form-error-message-box w-form-fail">
          <div class="bodytext error-message">Ooo ooo! Algu a bai robes ora ta manda e form!</div>

Edited WebFlow form code:

I added this part action=“” method=“post” after <form

      <div class="form w-form">
        <form action="" method="post" data-name="Form - www sokudi org" id="" name="">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="nomber">Nòmber kompletu:</label>
          <input autofocus class="form-fields w-input" data-name="nomber" id="nomber" maxlength="256" name="nomber" placeholder="Yena nòmber aki" required type="text">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="email">Email Adrès:</label>
          <input autofocus class="form-fields w-input" data-name="email" id="email" maxlength="256" name="email" placeholder="Yena email aki" required type="email">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="telefon">Telefòn:</label>
          <input autofocus class="form-fields w-input" data-name="telefon" id="telefon" maxlength="256" name="telefon" placeholder="Yena number di telefòn aki" required type="text">
          <label class="bodytext for-form" for="mensahe">Mensahe:</label>
          <textarea autofocus class="form-fields size w-input" data-name="mensahe" id="mensahe" maxlength="5000" name="mensahe" placeholder="Yena mensahe aki" required></textarea>
          <input class="submit-button w-button" data-wait="Por fabor warda un ratu..." type="submit" value="Manda" wait="Por fabor warda un ratu...">
        <div class="form---danki w-form-done">
          <div class="bodytext form-centered">Danki! Bo mensahe a wòrdu risibí!</div>
        <div class="form-error-message-box w-form-fail">
          <div class="bodytext error-message">Ooo ooo! Algu a bai robes ora ta manda e form!</div>

And I created a php page mailscript.php with the following code:


$nomber = $_POST['nomber'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$telefon = $_POST['telefon'];
$mensahe = $_POST['mensahe'];

$from = "";
$to = "";
$subject = "Form di";
$body = "Informashon di form di \n\n Nòmber: $nomber \n Email: $email \n Telefòn: $telefon \n Mensahe: $mensahe";

mail ($to,$subject,$body, "From:".$from);

echo "A manda bo mensahe! <a href=''> Klek aki </a> pa bai bèk!";


Is there someone who could help me stay on the same page without leaving the form page? Please give me a hand with this!!

SOLVED my problem of the Form of the website I’m working on in a different way:


Not the best way, but it works.
Really want WebFlow to think of a way to make the sending of forms free at least as long as you have an account and this should be for all the sites you made in Webflow.
Now I’m using the Professional service of Webflow.


Adding action=“” and method=“post” to your code makes the data form go to the email address that is in the php file ?