Site First Loading in Wrong Section

Hello You Guys from WF!
First project with WebFlow, it’s being awesome!!! I’m sorry if it’s a silly mistake but if you could help me with that, it’s the only thing I couldn’t find in tutorials and so… Well, if you could help, I’d be pretty much thankful…

I can’t find out why, but my site ( is always loaded in browsers on Section CONTACT and not HOME, as it should be. How can I fix it? If you please, let me know.

Tranks again for the wonderful life… it’s definitely a life changer!!!
Cheers :stuck_out_tongue:

Should be an easy fix. Click on the “Deixe sua Mensagem…” Form Field in the webflow designer:

and uncheck “autofocus”


Ow, man!!! What a cirurgical answer and a dumb mistake, hahaha!
Thanks a lot, dude!

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Haha no worries mate, it’s happened to a lot of people :slight_smile: glad it’s all fixed, you’re welcome!