Small changes to the CSS

Thanks for the feedback @lucaspchara! A lot of these things we would love to implement. It will just take some time.

Ability to delete any style

Currently you can delete unused styles. That means styles that aren’t linked to an element on any page. It would be cool to delete it and auto-unlink that class from that element.

Create styles without an element

What’s the purpose for creating styles that aren’t connected to an element? I’m interested.

(possibility to nest or take out the nested, my biggest problem is when creating a style on an element that already has one, It always creates a nested and often I do not want it.)

When you type in your class in the selector field in the top right corner you will see if the class you’re creating is “nested” or “global”. The best way to create a global class is to drag in a block or another element and create a class for it. Then you can actually apply that global class to any selector (even nested selectors). Note: It will only show up when you click to edit the selector.

not sure if that would bring problems for the current format, but it
would be cool to edit the base elements of a css (like: a, img, etc)

We’re working on this and other types of selectors.

it would be nice to delete colors from the color pallet.

You’re talking about swatches right? Totally! This was our rough v1 release. In our next release we want to make the whole swatches management more robust.

expand and contract items in the Navigator tab (F)

Totally! We want to build this in. Just has been on the backburner while we’re building other features.