Smoothing out my Particles.JS

I am using a Particles JS background I created using this: particles.js - A lightweight JavaScript library for creating particles

Is there anyway to get it to load faster/perhaps work a little smoother? Any things to add to my code would be great.

<script src=""></script> 
<script type="text/javascript">
particlesJS("particles-js", {
  "particles": {
    "number": {
      "value": 80,
      "density": {
        "enable": true,
        "value_area": 800
    "color": {
      "value": "#57b0ef"
    "shape": {
      "type": "image",
      "stroke": {
        "width": 0,
        "color": "#000000"
      "polygon": {
        "nb_sides": 5
      "image": {
        "src": "",
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100
    "opacity": {
      "value": 0.5,
      "random": false,
      "anim": {
        "enable": false,
        "speed": 1,
        "opacity_min": 0.1,
        "sync": false
    "size": {
      "value": 6,
      "random": true,
      "anim": {
        "enable": false,
        "speed": 40,
        "size_min": 0.1,
        "sync": false
    "line_linked": {
      "enable": true,
      "distance": 150,
      "color": "#57b0ef",
      "opacity": 0.5,
      "width": 1
    "move": {
      "enable": true,
      "speed": 1.5,
      "direction": "none",
      "random": false,
      "straight": false,
      "out_mode": "out",
      "bounce": false,
      "attract": {
        "enable": true,
        "rotateX": 600,
        "rotateY": 1200
  "interactivity": {
    "detect_on": "canvas",
    "events": {
      "onhover": {
        "enable": true,
        "mode": "bubble"
      "onclick": {
        "enable": false,
        "mode": "push"
      "resize": true
    "modes": {
      "grab": {
        "distance": 400,
        "line_linked": {
          "opacity": 1
      "bubble": {
        "distance": 200,
        "size": 20,
        "duration": 1.75,
        "opacity": 0,
        "speed": 3
      "repulse": {
        "distance": 100,
        "duration": 0.4
      "push": {
        "particles_nb": 4
      "remove": {
        "particles_nb": 2
  "retina_detect": true
});var count_particles, stats, update; stats = new Stats; stats.setMode(0); = 'absolute'; = '0px'; = '0px'; document.body.appendChild(stats.domElement); count_particles = document.querySelector('.js-count-particles'); update = function() { stats.begin(); stats.end(); if (window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles && window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles.array) { count_particles.innerText = window.pJSDom[0].pJS.particles.array.length; } requestAnimationFrame(update); }; requestAnimationFrame(update);;

you have some errors on your script integration ! take a look at your developer console

Could you show me what errors I have or correct them with me?

That error obviously occured because you ve copy pasted the code integration that he used on his website into your webflow project … but it does not have anything to do with loading times nor has it an impact on the script itself.

So therefore I cant help any further. I tried to integrate it into my project but I could not get a good smoother loading to work. Sorry.

I think you can use this framework