(SOLVED) Form element | Success & Failure state not visible if elements placed between Form and Form Block

Hi there :slight_smile:

I am experiencing issues accessing the success and failure state of my form.
For some reason, they just don’t show up and I’d love to style them.

Any Idea why I can’t see them ? I do have some custom embed code inside the form element.
My read only link

Thank you ! :sunny:

Hi @anthonysalamin, thanks for the post.

There is some behavior at the moment where an element is placed between the form block and the form, the success and error states do now show.

The solution is to move the elements between the Form and Form Block into the form, or out of the form, but not between the Form and Form Block.

Here is a video:


I hope this helps, when there is an update to this behavior I will post an update.

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Hi @cyberdave, thanks alot for the video message !
Really appreciate :sunny: Have a nice day too !

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