Styling blog collection headlines! Is it possible?


After reading a recent Webflow blog on SEO, I started using the H1 and H2 headings in my blog (used to use H3 and H4). Obviously for SEO H1 and H2 are better, but the default styles in the blog Rich Text does not fit my site’s style.

Is there a way to style the headlines within the Rich Text blog body?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Can you please clarify your question further, possibly with screenshots? Thanks! :grinning:

This should help Rich text element overview | Webflow University

Hi DFink,

I thought this should solve it. However, the caveat maybe that I am reading the Rich Text from my blog collection where I assigned the H1/H2.

So following the video you shared did not work, I was not able to select the H1 within the Rich Text as a separate element.

Do you have any other idea? Here is the link to the site again and this happens on my blog page.


You must unlink your collection information from the rich text to style the elements inside it. Then you can relink it.

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Thanks DFink,

worked like a charm and learned something again :slightly_smiling:

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