Subcategories. How to use?

Hello guys! I need some helps.
I have Category “A” and my link looks like
But i want add subcategory “B” and my link should be looks like

How i can do that?

P.S. Sorry for english… :grin:

Im not sure how to get the URL to display as you like, however if you would like to have and display subcategories, I used the following method.

Within the Collection item called Categories I created a Single Reference field called ‘Parent Category’, and referenced it to itself, the Categories collection.

With that, any category that is a sub category, you select the category that is the parent.

To display the sub categories, on the Categories Collection Template page, create a Dynamic List.
Put a Button in the list item and use the following link settings (editable by double clicking on the button):

And Filter within the Dynamic List settings like so:

Hope this helps!


@VladTkachenko I know what you mean. I tried it but couldn’t succeed as Webflow automatically changes the “/” to a “-”
See below:

I wish this could be a possibility. It could help a lot.

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