Timer Lag Issue with Interactions

I’ve come across an issue with timing interactions.

Here’s an example:

set a text transition

  • on initial view to:
    ---- rotate 45, scale .1, opacity 0, move left 100, move down 50

on scroll on to:
---- rotate, scale, opacity 100, move to origin, 1000ms Ease-In-Cubic

  • on scroll out to:
    ---- rotate 45, scale .1, opacity 0, move left 100, move down 50, 0ms

scroll the screen up and down several… you will see the system seriously lag

it hard to really notice on the video… I think the system creates a new time with each scroll… so 6 scrolls = 6 different times at the same time. If you have 2 elements - the 12 times.

See video: as I said - it’s kinda hard to see it lag.
