ToolBar Not Scrolling (Color Palette)

Hello Guys,

I can’t access certain things in the toolbar. For example, I’m trying to change some colors for borders and fonts and the palette just keeps hiding below the fold. I am using chrome and I am in Retina display 13" right now. I removed all the bookmarks toolbar to have a bit more space, but the issue still exists and it’s pretty annoying.

Here is a video of the behavior.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You are not the first to report this. I think WF team is working on a fix to allow scrolling on narrower screens like yours.

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Thanks Dram, will have to wait than.

Hi @Sebasgaes,

We greatly appreciate you letting us know about the inability to scroll within your screen size, and when there are many swatches listed. Our engineers have confirmed this is a bug and are working to fix this.

As the new style panel is in beta, we like to work out any kinks before the actual launch.

A work around would be to have the Typography, color picker either quite high or low within the panel before selecting the color picker. The middle of the panel seems to be where issues occur: Color Picker2019-01-24 at 0...

Thanks in advance for your patience, and we look forward to providing the fix as soon as we can :bowing_man:

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